Package megamek.server.trigger

package megamek.server.trigger
  • Class
    This is a base class for Triggers that should only ever react once, regardless of how often its prerequisites are satisfied.
    This Trigger reacts when the count of active units is equal to the given count.
    This Trigger implements a logic AND for all its subtriggers, i.e.
    This trigger reacts when only units of a single team remain alive and on board (this trigger disregards undeployed units, offboard units, TeleMissiles, GunEmplacements and MekWarriors!).
    This Trigger reacts when the count of units that fled the battlefield is equal to the given count.
    This Trigger reacts at the start of the first initiative phase, i.e.
    This Trigger reacts when the count of units that were killed is in a given range.
    This "Trigger" is used to invert another Trigger.
    This Trigger can be used to turn a given sub-trigger into a one-time-only trigger.
    This Trigger implements a logic OR for all its subtriggers, i.e.
    This Trigger is satisfied at any point during its given game round.
    This Trigger reacts at the end of the specified game round.
    This Trigger reacts at the start of the specified game round.
    This interface is implemented by Triggers that enable events like messages, game end, defeat or victory.
    This Trigger reacts when the count of units in a certain board area is in a given range.