New Fluff Image Pack
Hello everyone,
Many of you have asked about a Fluff Pack for MegaMek. However, we face challenges with using line art due to copyright and licensing restrictions. We’ve always admired the impressive quality of new plastic re-sculpts and the artistic talent displayed in painting them. We’d like to create a Fluff Pack using images of officially licensed miniatures from CGL, Iron Wind Metals, Creative Juggernaut, and Monster Fight Club.
For this project, we aim to include:
- Re-sculpts, including modified versions showing variants.
- IWM miniatures using molds that are not Re-sculpts.
We want images that look like they belong in a war book, images that resemble their counterparts on the battlefield or within the universe. They will serve as visual representations in the unit selector and match the style of TRO art.

Contributors’ rights will be acknowledged by watermarking the images with the artist’s name, a statement of permission, and a notice that all rights belong to the image owner.

If you’re interested in contributing, please contact Hammer through the MegaMek Discord, The official CGL forums at, or email us at Alternatively, you can add the images directly to the following issue on GitHub: RFE: Mini Fluff Pack List. A GitHub account is required to submit images.
Update: We now have a dedicated channel on the MegaMek Discord server for submitting images. Please join the server and navigate to the #mek-bay channel. Post your images and give us permission to use them.
Submitting an image does not guarantee its inclusion; the decision of which images are used in the Fluff Pack is solely at the discretion of the MegaMek Dev Team.